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Blog Posts (8)
- What kind of instrument is a stringed instrument?
The kanoun, which is the sine qua non of Turkish classical music, is a member of the stringed instruments family with an impressive and powerful voice. It has a slightly different structure compared to other stringed instruments. The instrument, which is said to have been invented by Farabi, was also used by the Sumerians and Egypt in ancient times. Consisting of 4 or 27 frets, there are 3 strings in each fret of the qanun, and these strings are usually made of nylon. While the kanoun is mostly produced from trees such as sycamore and linden, it can also be made from thick plywood today. #Kanun #TürkMüziği #TelliÇalgılar
- Strong Women of the Republic
Today, we will focus on the stories of the strong women of the Turkish society and the rights they gained after the Republic. With the adoption of the law giving women the right to vote and be elected on December 5, 1934, a significant change was brought not only to their history but also to the social structure. This historical day is celebrated every year as International Women's Rights Day; It reminds us of the role of strong, brave and determined women in social change. Recently, we launched the book "Strong Women of the Republic" at Sarıyer Municipality Yaşar Kemal Cultural Center. This book discusses the transformation experienced by women during the Republic period, the rights they gained and their contributions to society. In this meaningful event, we are proud to see that women have gained a place in every aspect of their lives with their achievements in gender equality and girls' education. Women, who are the voice of the masses, have carried out many revolutions with their courage, determination and solidarity. I would like to thank our president Gül Şen, Güvercin Publishing House and everyone who contributed to this project, whether in the spotlight or in the background. Your support made a significant contribution to the birth of this book and to raising awareness about women's rights. Strong Women of the Republic is not just a book; It is also a symbol of the struggle for gender equality. The fight that our women fight to be able to express themselves and defend their rights in all areas of society is actually a war that we all must fight. In this book, the self-confidence and determination shown by women during these struggle processes are the guarantee of our future. The issue of girls' education is of particular importance. Education is key to achieving gender equality. An educated woman benefits not only herself, but also all members of her society. Therefore, it is the duty of each of us; To support and encourage girls' education. Let's not forget that strong women form the basis of strong societies. With the inspiration we receive from the Republic, we will continue to work to ensure the presence of women in every field. Developments in women's rights have their effects not only in Turkey but all over the world. We have women who write a new success story every day. As a result, the book "Strong Women of the Republic" reveals not only the history of women, but also the difficulties and victories they experienced. Each story inspires us and reminds us of how important the struggle for women's rights is. Let's all be a part of this cause and celebrate the power of women! #CumhuriyetinGüçlüKadınları #KadınHakları #GüçlüKadınlar #Eğitim #ToplumsalCinsiyetEşitliği #Strong #Women #Republic
- Getting Started with Kanoun Lesson...
Kanoun course; is done one-on-one. As the advantage of the private lesson, we provide musical theory training (solfeggio, harmony, etc.) and musicality-oriented consultancy along with the technical information about the relevant instrument. COURSE CONTENT -NOTA- GENERAL MUSIC INFORMATION -INTRODUCTION TO THE KNOW INSTRUMENT -EXERCISES -THEORY -TITLE TOPIC -VARIOUS EXPRESSION TECHNIQUES IN KANOUN (Arpeggios, and chord techniques) -TRANSPOZİSYON -EXAMPLES FROM WESTERN MUSIC -ARPEGE AND CHORD TECHNIQUES #kanunöğren #kanuninevin #kanundersi
Events (3)
- 14 Ekim 2024 | 17:30Gümüşsuyu, Tak-ı Zafer Cd., 34437 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Türkiye
- 5 Aralık 2023 | 10:00Çamlıtepe, Akgün Cd. No:1, 34457 Sarıyer/İstanbul, Türkiye
- Şirinevler, Barbaros Cd. No:9, 34188 Bahçelievler/İstanbul, Türkiye
Other Pages (25)
- Nevin Şahin Instrument Qanun | Music | Composition | Lesson | Concert
“ Every Note Has a Life of Its Own. ” Experience the magic of qanun music at its best. Our website is your gateway to an exclusive collection of qanun music, concert videos and artwork that will captivate your senses and leave you wanting more. Q A N O U N N E V I N Instrumental Qanoun Lessons Online Qanaun Lessons Are Given. We work at Çınar Culture and Art Center every Friday between 11:00-13:00. Additionally, Psychotherapy Sessions with Music are Provided. E V E N T S JUNE 5 Rumeli Turks Foundation Turkish Classical Music Chorus CHEF. NILGUN GULER Bayrampasa Mehmet Akif Ersoy Cultural Center WEDNESDAY JUNE 11 It's 20:00 FREE... N E W S Alp Arslan Turkish Classical Music Choir continues at İspirtohane Cultural Center every week on Tuesday between 19:00 - 21:00. Nilgün Güler Turkish Music Choir continues every week on Tuesday between 14:00 - 17:00. Divan Music Community continues every Wednesday between 19:00 - 21:30. Dede Efendi Choir, under the management of Bakırköy Music Conservatory Foundation Suat Güney, continues every week on Saturday between 13:00 - 15:30. Boğaziçi University Turkish Classical Music Choir, under the management of Kadir Tuncer, continues every week on Tuesday between 12:00 - 13:30. I teach Law Lessons at Çınar International Culture and Art Center. It continues every week on Friday between 11:00 - 13:00. Music Therapy - I continue with Clinic Psychologist Gülderen Kılıç. All Concerts and Events are Announced on Our Social Page, Instagram and Facebook. We are waiting for all music lovers. Join Thank you for submitting!
- Concerts | Nevin Şahin Instrument Qanun | Events
C o n c e r t s Upcoming Events Time is not known yet Bahcelievler SONGS OF THE ROSE MONDAYS Time is not known yet Bahcelievler, Sirinevler, Barbaros Cd. No:9, 34188 Bahcelievler/Istanbul, Turkey Conductor Nilgün Güler Concert Details
- Our Privacy Policy | Kanuni Nevin
G a l l e r y Nevin Şahin (April 30, 1969, Istanbul) His wife Serdar Şahin and his mother, 3 daughters, Founder of Universal Music Society and Kanuncu Chief. I took 5 years of law lessons from my teacher Fuat Özdener. I have been a member of Universal Music Club for 8 years. I am playing law in Bakırköy, Ataköy İspirtohane and Culture Center, Universal Music Group. I took notes and solfege lessons from TRT Violin and Viola artist Ayhan Çakır for 2 years. I took two years of law and Turkish Music Theory and Procedures training from my TRT artist Kanun virtuoso, composer and music director Bora Dicle.
Forum Posts (4)
- Alp Arslan "Kalbim Durmaz Engin Deniz"In Genel Tartışmalar·3 Ekim 2024Söz: Gül Demirer Müzik: Nevin Şahin Düzenleme: Tacettin Şahin Yönetmen: Uğur Tursun "Kalbim Durmaz Engin Deniz" şarkı sözleri ile Bu çırpınış bu bekleyiş Göz yaşımı dökerim ben Ağlarım hep sessiz sessiz Bütün arzu zevk benimle Şu ömrüm hep neşe dolsun Al gönlümü senin olsun Senden bana bir gün kalsın Aşk ile bakarsan eğer Bu sevgim hep sana değer Ne gün kalır ne de yürek Hasretinle bekleyerek Alp Arslan - Kalbim Durmaz Engin Deniz #aşkınenginliği #kalbimdedurmayansevgi #denizdeask #romantikdeniz #sevgilisözleri #KalbimDurmaz #EnginDeniz #MüzikVideo #TürkMüziği #PopMüzik #KlipÇekimi #YerliSanatçılar002
- Kanuni NevinIn Genel Tartışmalar·24 Ağustos 2021Alp Arslan TSM Korosu 🎶🌺🎤Nilgün Güler & Rutev TSM Korosu 🎼Tacettin Şahin Kanun Akademisi 🎼🌺 Bakırköy Musiki Konservatuarı Mezunuyum🎶💐 Mesam & Basad üyesiyim. Koro, konser, etkinlik,beste, müzik kanun çalışmaları yapmaktayım.📌 #konser #etkinlik #koro #müzik #tsm #youtube008
- Kanuni Nevin Forum'a Hoş GeldinizIn Genel Tartışmalar·24 Ağustos 2021Konserlerimiz, etkinliklerimiz, koro, kanun çalışmalarımızı ve yeni çıkan beste ve kliplerimizi buradan paylaşarak beğeninize sunacağım. 💕💕💕 Beğenin ve Abone Olun !!! #beste #klip #türksanatmüziği #müzik #video #youtube #tsm #koro #konser #etkinlik #buşehirdeduramıyorum #nevinşahin #ahsenerkli #MüzikDünyası #TürkçePop #Sözler #Melodi •0016
Services (3)
- Kanun Online Dersi
Kanun Enstrümanı konusunda merak ettiğiniz bütün sorulara cevap bulabileceksiniz ve videolar ile desteklenip rahatlıkla kanun çalmayı öğrenebileceksiniz. Kanuna nasıl sahip olmanız gerekir, sazın en büyük sorunu olan akort yapmak, oturuş, yüzük ve mızraplarınızı takmayı, notaların hem kanun, hem de porte üzerindeki yerlerine, eser, şarkı ve makamlarda mandalların nasıl kullanılması gerektiğini, doğru ve kaliteli ton çıkarmaya kadar birçok bilgiye sahip olacaksınız.
- Enstrüman Eğitimi
Müzik Eğitimi, Müzik Dersleri, Müzik Teorisi
- Kanun Online Dersi
Kanun Enstrümanı konusunda merak ettiğiniz bütün sorulara cevap bulabileceksiniz ve videolar ile desteklenip rahatlıkla kanun çalmayı öğrenebileceksiniz. Kanuna nasıl sahip olmanız gerekir, sazın en büyük sorunu olan akort yapmak, oturuş, yüzük ve mızraplarınızı takmayı, notaların hem kanun, hem de porte üzerindeki yerlerine, eser, şarkı ve makamlarda mandalların nasıl kullanılması gerektiğini, doğru ve kaliteli ton çıkarmaya kadar birçok bilgiye sahip olacaksınız.
Programs (4)
- Kanun Derslerine Başlangıç
Enstrüman eğitimi, müzik tutkusunu geliştirmek ve müzikal yetenekleri artırmak için bireylere sunulan kapsamlı bir süreçtir. Profesyonel eğitmenler eşliğinde, öğrenciler nota okuma, teknik beceriler, müzik teorisi ve sahne performansı gibi alanlarda eğitim alarak, seçtikleri enstrümanı ustalıkla çalmayı öğrenirler. Her seviyedeki müzisyenler için uygun olan enstrüman eğitimi, yaratıcı ifadeyi teşvik eder ve müziğin keyfini artırır.